Italian-French Piano Duo debuts at Bellini

Event Details:
- Date: Wednesday, 11th December 2024
- Time: Concert Starts at 8:00 pm
- Venue: Bellini - #21, Street 306, Boeng Keng Kang 1, Phnom Penh
- Admission: Deposit required $20 (seats only for dining)
- Booking Link: Click Here >
Pianists Etienne Chenevier (France) and Gabriele Faja (Italy) perform a fantastic program for piano 4 hands, which includes Franz Schubert's stunning Fantasie in F Minor, and Maurice Ravel La Valse.
The concert is on Yamaha CSII Concert Grand Piano, provided by The Piano Shop Cambodia.
The Artists:

Born in France in 1957, Etienne Chevenier studied with Mme Auber-Crouzet, composer and teacher at the Universite Musicale Internationale de Paris, and with M. Philippe Blacher, professor at the Conservatoire National de Region in Toulouse. He has also worked with renowned international performers such as Pierre Sancan, France Clidat, Aldo Ciccolini and Tedd Joselson.He has performed in France, Mexico, and Asia, featuring numerous solo recitals as well as chamber music and collaboration with vocal performers.Etienne is well-regarded by many of Singapore's classical musicians, having performed for years in solo and chamber settings.
Sicilian pianist Gabriele Faja holds a Masters’ in piano from the Royal College of Music in London and has performed in Europe and Asia. He was a pupil of Eugenio Bagnoli in Venice, and Niel Immelman, Julian Jacobson, and Roger Vignoles in London. He has received numerous awards and honors, including 1st FIDAPA Prize (Italy) aged 11, The RCM Scholarship Award (UK), 1st Prize (accompanist) Bromsgrove International Music Festival (UK), 1st Prize Helen-Marie Curtis Piano Competition (UK), John Lewis Award (UK), NOSWAD Award (UK), and Cosmina & Douglas Liversidge Award (UK). He was Musical Director of the Commonwealth Music Society in London and Managing Director of Biaerbeck and Holmes, producing in major London venues such as Southbank, Wigmore Hall, St John's Smith Square, Victoria & Albert Museum, Natural History Museum, The National Gallery and Tate Modern.
Booking Details:
Booking is required in advance due to limited seating. The $20 per/person deposit. The venue will return the deposit in the form of vouchers when you arrive at your table. These vouchers can be exchanged for food and drink. (Vouchers cannot be redeemed in part are non-refundable).
Tables Bookings:
*Seating is available only for dining.
Venue: Bellini
Live Support: Leakhena Telegram +855 88 478 2054
Piano provided by The Piano Shop Cambodia
Space provided by Soundskool Music
Sound by Above & Beyond
Event Menu designed by Michele Magni at Bellini
Supported by ICBA Italian Cambodia Business Association