Extended Dimension of Space

June 14 - 6:30pm - Immersive Laser Show
Join us for an extraordinary evening of immersive art at Pi-Pet-Pi Gallery282 in Phnom Penh. Metaestetica Lab, in collaboration with the ICBA Arts Committee, presents "The Extended Dimensions of Space," an exhibition showcasing the latest digital exploration of Strange Attractors. This event, held on Wednesday, June 14, 2023, from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm, promises to captivate and inspire.
As part of the Battambang Street Festival 2023, Metaestetica Lab brings its cutting-edge installation to the historic buildings of the Old District. Through large-format video projections and stunning laser effects, visitors will be transported into a world where art and technology intertwine seamlessly.
"The Extended Dimensions of Space" is the result of a decade-long research endeavor. Gian Claudio De Cecco's innovative coding and graphics, combined with Carlo Santoro's stochastic algorithms, create five mesmerizing three-dimensional elements. David Brown's masterful video editing and a soundtrack inspired by the electronic sound of Brian Eno complete the sensory experience.
The installations challenge traditional perceptions of art by utilizing multivalent geometric compositions. Visitors are encouraged to interpret the stimulus freely, bringing their own backgrounds and perspectives to the forefront. This interactive approach allows for the exploration of new orders and the questioning of established canons within the Cambodian art scene.
Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the extended dimensions of art and discover a new realm of creativity. Join us at Pi-Pet-Pi Gallery282 for an unforgettable evening of visual marvels and thought-provoking experiences.
This event is made possible with the support of Laser Cambodia FX and the collaborative efforts of the ICBA Arts Committee, Pi-Pet-Pi Gallery282, and Metaestetica Lab.
#ICBAArtsCommittee #PiPetPiGallery282 #MetaesteticaLab #ClaudioDeCecco
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/914009963008233?ref=newsfeed